#2 Rejected at Berghain?

Our second episode, about the infamous Berlin nightclub Berghain. Some people love, some people hate this club - let's explore why.


Welcome to our Slow German Podcast. This episode is about the infamous Berlin nightclub Berghain. At the end of this page, you'll soon find a vocabulary list with the most important German vocabulary featured in this episode. Subscribe on YouTube & Spotify to support our free content & be notified of future episodes.

1. Free Transcript

das BerghainBerghain (famous nightclub in Berlin)
der Hedonismushedonism
die Fetischszenefetish scene
die Schwulenszenegay scene
der Nachtclubnightclub
der Stadtteildistrict
der Türsteherdoorman
das Memememe
die Webseitewebsite
die Selektivitätselectivity
der Mainstreammainstream
die Offenheitopenness
der Elitismuselitism
das Geburtstagbirthday
das Rufreputation
die Neugiercuriosity
die Szenescene
die Gemeinschaftcommunity
die Subkultursubculture
das Marketingmarketing

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