#3 Surviving German winter

German winters can get quite cold. How do we best get through them? What can we do to pass our time during those icy months?


Welcome to our Slow German Podcast. This episode is about cold German winters. At the end of this page, you'll soon find a vocabulary list with the most important German vocabulary featured in this episode. Subscribe on YouTube & Spotify to support our free content & be notified of future episodes.

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der Ursprungorigin
der WeihnachtsbaumChristmas tree
der Lebkuchengingerbread
der WeihnachtsmarktChristmas market
der Bezirkdistrict
das MittelalterMiddle Ages
der Spießspit
der Feuerspuckerfire breather
das Bogenschießenarchery
das Axtwerfenaxe throwing
das Lagerfeuercampfire
die Hexewitch
die Wanderunghike
erschreckento scare
die Raketerocket
der Böllerfirecracker
eiskaltfreezing cold
der Gipfelsummit
das Ereignisevent
die WalpurgisnachtWalpurgis Night
das Lagerfeuerbonfire
die Atmosphäreatmosphere
der Schauerromangothic novel
der Nussknackernutcracker
gewappnet seinto be prepared

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