German Pottery Words | Vocabulary List

German Pottery Words

Master German pottery vocabulary, for discussions on art and crafts.


German Ceramics & Pottery Vocabulary

Ceramics and pottery have a rich tradition in German craftsmanship. Whether you are a pottery enthusiast or just curious about this art form, learning some German ceramics and pottery vocabulary can be fascinating. In this blog post, we'll provide you with multiple lists of very useful German words related to ceramics and pottery.

Pottery Techniques Vocabulary

Let's begin with some vocabulary related to pottery techniques:

die Töpferei
das Ton
die Töpferscheibe
potter's wheel
das Glasur
das Brennen
der Scherben
pottery shard

Pottery Tools Vocabulary

Next, let's explore some vocabulary related to pottery tools:

der Töpfer
die Töpferin
female potter
die Töpferschürze
potter's apron
die Töpferkelle
potter's spatula
der Töpferschwamm
potter's sponge
das Töpfermesser
potter's knife

Pottery Products Vocabulary

Now, let's learn some words for various pottery products:

die Vase
die Schale
der Krug
die Kanne
der Teller
der Becher

Ceramics and pottery are wonderful expressions of artistry and craftsmanship. We hope this vocabulary helps you appreciate the beauty of this traditional German art form.

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In this podcast episode, we'll share our tips on how to endure the bitter German winter. Topics include taking part in traditions like Christmas markets and Krampus walks, winter food and cozy indoor activities.