German Yoga Vocabulary Word List & Pronunciation

German Yoga Vocabulary

Discover German yoga vocabulary, for mindfulness and relaxation practices.


Yoga is a popular practice that promotes physical and mental well-being. Learning yoga vocabulary in German can enhance your practice and help you connect with like-minded individuals in the German-speaking yoga community. In this blog post, we'll provide you with multiple lists of very useful German words related to yoga.

Basic Yoga Poses in German

Let's start with some common yoga poses you may encounter in a yoga class:

der Sonnengruß
sun salutation
die Baumstellung / der Baum
tree pose
die Berghaltung / der Berg
mountain pose
Glückliches Baby
happy baby
Herabschauender Hund
downward-facing dog
die Kriegerstellung
warrior pose

Yoga Terminology

Next, let's explore some important yoga terms and concepts:

die Atmung
die Entspannung
der Atemzug
breath cycle
der Atemrhythmus
breath rhythm
die Meditation
die Asana
yoga pose / posture

Yoga Props

Yoga props can enhance your practice and make certain poses more accessible. Here are some commonly used props:

die Yogamatte
yoga mat
das Yogakissen
yoga cushion / bolster
der Yogagurt
yoga strap
die Yogadecke
yoga blanket
das Meditationskissen
meditation cushion
der Yogaball
yoga ball

Yoga Philosophy

Yoga goes beyond physical poses and includes philosophical aspects. Here are some important concepts:

das Prana
prana / life force
die Chakren (pl.)
das Dharma
die Selbstfindung
die Achtsamkeit
die Selbstdisziplin

We hope this vocabulary list enhances your yoga journey in Germany! Whether you're attending a yoga class, practicing at home, or discussing yoga with others, these words will come in handy.


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