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with curious

Immerse in our library of curated content on culture, art, philosophy and more. Comprehensible input at your level.

A1 Reading Package

Read 40 German texts about cultural topics & every day life in Germany, covering all essential vocabulary for beginners.

The Witch Craze

Magic, chaos and misogyny - a journey through the ruthless Early Modern Period, when food and mercy were scarce, but goat-riding witches were plentiful.

99 German Idioms

Download our free PDF: 99 German words & idioms. Each expression comes with a German example sentence, a translation & useful vocabulary.

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A1 German Course

Our Method

Our method is based on Stephen Krashen's theory of language acquisition through comprehensible input. We combine curated content with interactive elements, to create both an immersive & engaging learning experience.

Comprehensible Input

Learners absorb language best when exposed to material that's slightly above their current level but still understandable.

Curious Content

Research shows students improve vocabulary, grammar, and fluency by engaging with interesting yet comprehensible material.

Spaced Repetition

Reviewing material over time boosts retention, reinforcing comprehension with structured, repeated exposure.

Read Simple Fairytales

Rediscover the timeless fairytales from your childhood - this time in German! Our collection of Grimm Brothers' classics comes with helpful vocabulary translations.

Slow German Podcast

Explore our podcast designed for B1-B2 learners. Dive into topics on life and culture in Germany, spoken in slow German. Get free transcripts & vocabulary explanations to help you understand and enjoy each episode fully.

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Hildegard von Bingen
History of the RAF
Carl Gustav Jung
Hildegard von Bingen

Hildegard von Bingen war eine bekanntefamous Frau im Mittelalterthe middle ages. Sie wurde 1098 geboren und starb im Jahr 1179. Hildegard war Benediktinerin. Das bedeutet, dass sie in einem Klosterconvent lebte, nach den Regelnrules des Heiligenholy Benedikts. Sie schrieb viele Bücher, darunterincluding medizinische Werkeworks und religiöse Schriftenwritings.
Hildegard von Bingen ist auch heute noch sehr bekannt für ihre Musik. Ihre Musik wird oft als Gregorianischer Choral bezeichnetcalled. Sie war eineaußergewöhnlicheexceptional Frau und eine der wenigen Frauen im Mittelalter, die in der Geschichte bekannt geworden sind. Sie war eine Gelehrtescholar, die auf vielen Gebietenareastätigactive war und hat bis heute großen Einflussinfluence auf die Musik und die Medizin ...
Learn with Curious Content

Explore curated articles on history, pop culture, fairytales, and art in our reading and listening sections - designed for your cultural interests.

Choose how you immerse

Learn German your way with reading materials, audio recordings, podcasts, and quizzes. Choose the method that suits you best.

Develop your vocabulary

Build your vocabulary with articles on everyday topics, featuring German words, English translations, and helpful tips for learning.

Practice German at your level

Our platform’s materials are organized by German level, helping you easily find engaging content that matches your learning stage.