German Dentist Words | Vocabulary List

German Dentist Terms

Explore German dentist and teeth vocabulary, for dental health discussions


Visiting the dentist can be stressful, especially if you are in a foreign country and do not speak the language fluently (just yet).

Knowing some key vocabulary words in German can help make the experience less intimidating and more manageable.

German Dentist Vocabulary

Let's first have a look at very general German vocabulary related to the dentist's office:

die Praxis
die Zahnärztin
dentist (female)
der Termin
das Wartezimmer
waiting room
die Wartezeit
waiting time

German Teeth & Gums Vocabulary

German vocabulary about teeth and other body parts around the mouth are useful in any case, even if you don't plan on seeing a doctor anytime soon. Here is a list of the most important words related to teeth & gums:

der Zahn
das Zahnfleisch
der Zahnschmelz
die Zunge
die Lippe

German Tooth Pain & Problems Vocabulary

If you are experiencing pain or discomfort, it is important to be able to communicate this to the dentist and their team. Being able to say "Ich habe Schmerzen" (I am in pain) or "Ich habe eine Zahnfleischentzündung" (I have a gingivitis) can help the dentist understand your concerns and provide the appropriate treatment.

stinging pain
pulsating pain
die Schwellung
der Abszess

The above list contains common German words & expressions to communicate tooth pain & describe your symptoms in more detail can be found in this list:

If you are in pain right now, it might be useful to remember some of these words or even write them down to bring them with you.

German Dentist Treatments Vocabulary

In addition, knowing vocabulary related to dental procedures can help you understand what is happening during the appointment.

die Kontrolle
check up
die Füllung
das Material
die Wurzelkanalbehandlung
root canal treatment
die Polierung
die professionelle Zahnreinigung
professional teeth cleaning

Words such as "Füllung" (filling), "Wurzelbehandlung" (root canal), and "Zahnreinigung" (tooth cleaning) can help you understand the process and make informed decisions about your treatment.

Dentist Utensils in German

If you are learning German as a dentist or just want to communicate better with your dentist, these next words might help talking to the dentist about their utensils.

der Bohrer
der Absauger
suction device
der Zahnarztstuhl
dentist's chair
die Betäubung
die Zahnschiene

99 German Idioms

Download our free PDF: 99 German words & idioms. Each expression comes with a German example sentence, a translation & useful vocabulary.

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In this podcast episode, we'll share our tips on how to endure the bitter German winter. Topics include taking part in traditions like Christmas markets and Krampus walks, winter food and cozy indoor activities.